Augmented Reality is Just Plain Cool

We’re continuing to go back-and-forth with Apple. Gotta love when you can play the game on our devices but nobody else can. Well…while we’ve been waiting, we decided to bring back augmented reality (AR) for Oh! Gnomes! For those of you that aren’t familiar with AR, it is the idea of virtual images being superimposed on actual reality. With Oh! Gnomes!, the player points his Android at an image on the table and instead of the camera being constrained to a fixed orbit around the Groundling, the player can move the camera upwards-and-downwards, and inwards-and-outwards, and sidewards. It’s kinda like a Wonka-vator. Anyway, we’re hoping to have something here shortly for our Android enabled users.

And while we aren’t adding new features to Oh! Gnomes!, we are continuing our work on Ghost. There is something strangely satisfying about rolling dice. Even if they are virtual dice. Karl is creating some beautiful cards for the ghosts and players. Once we get our final player cards, I’ll post them and share the pretty.

Written by: Fenyx4

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